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​Goodwinds (USA) Leading Suppliers of Carbon Fiber Rods & Tubes, (for masts , Spars, and Stubs) Spectra Line, Ripstop Nylon
Boca Bearings(USA)
PTFE & Stainless Steel Ball bearings for use on Swing Rigs
ACP Composites(USA) Carbon fiber cloth, sheets ,and tubes. Also Fiberglass and other materials for making rigs, fins, decks etc.
Soch Sails (UK) Dragon Force RG65 Dealer DF Sails, Boat decor kits, as well as inventory of DF boats, parts , rig kits, aftermarket deck patches
​ Housemartin Sails (UK) RG65 paneled and Dragon Force One Design sails, as well as selected parts, and accessories
​Graphite Sails(UK) RG65 & DF , Rig kits (swing & Conventional) Contact; John Tushingham Tel: 01943816808 email: john@graphitecreative.co.uk
Blackmagick Sails (NZL) ​Custom RG65 Paneled sails , and also Dragon Force Single Panel One Design sails , Fantastic tuning tips page
​Catsails (UK) Dragon Force RC Sails in Mylar Scrim​
RC Yachts (UK) Complete Line Dragon Force RG65 dealer, including full inventory of all DF parts, pre assembled rig kits, and aftermarket DF sails from Graphite, Housemartin, and Cat Sails
​Sails Etc
(UK) - Manufacturer Argon RG65 ,Rogue RG65 Line Plans One of the leaders in RC parts, worldwide
​Nautae Racing Model Yachts (BRA) - Manufacturer for Stinger A/S & Skinny RG65s by Pedro Stier ​
​Mirage Radio Yachts (AUS) Manufacturer for Missile RG65 by Jeff Byerley , custom RG65 Sails & rig kits as well
​PJ Sails (UK)
- Manufacturer for Puma RG65, full line of radio sailing parts , sails and accessories for RG65s as well
Seamaster RC
(BRA) -
Manufacturer for Stinger, Rogue, & VAD65 RG65 designs
​Spectre Marine (AUS) Manufacturer for the Spectre 650 RG65
Midwest Model Yachts US Importer and Dealer for Sails Etc, KDH, Hales and Cap Maquettes. Carries complete line of rig hardware, fasteners , Hull & deck fittings, Books, masts, & mast fittings. Line plans for the Rogue RG65 by Graham Bantock
​​ Breaking Wind Boats US Manufacturer of Rig Parts, complete rig kits, and other innovative RC Sailing parts. Also manufactures custom parts with his 3D printer including servo tray mounts . Limited supply of RG65 Decks and hulls including the Round Ranger, Pakinto, and Simatara RG65s ( Production currently halted due to repairs to moulds)
Amazon.com US Dealer carrying complete inventory of stock Dragon Force Boats and bagged parts
KB Sails US Custom builder Dragon Force Restricted Sails in multiple material, and trim color . Email Ken Bauser for more info at: kbsails@aol.com
​Vector Sails US Custom Builder of RG65 & Dragon Force Restricted Sails in multiple materials and colors
​Hot Sails
Canadian builder for DragonForce 65 Restricted Sails in multiple materials and colors
Dragon Sailing North America US Importer and Distributor for the complete line of DragonForce 65 Add-Ons , boats, replacement Parts and accessories
ERC Custom Boats, Sails, and Parts US Custom Builder for ERC Sails (both Rg65 paneled & Dragon Force Restricted ), custom hulls, parts and fittings, and carbon fiber/ fiberglass moulds. Builder and designer for Mako, Wahoo, & Blue Splash RG65s
​Carr Sails
Custom builder for RG65 paneled construction A, B and C suits, as well as Dragon Force One Design Single Panel A, B, and C suits
​​Walrus Sails US Custom builder of RG65 paneled and Dragon Force Restricted sails.
K-Bits (UK) ​Specialists in radio sailing specific servos, and electronics. Also provides parts , batteries and electronics
Model Graphics (UK) ​Razor carbon or glass mouldings. Carbon rig fittings and complete rigs. Range now includes a 700 gram cast keel ballast.
AA Parts (ITA) Custom parts and deck equipment suitable for RG65s